Well I've been busy. The cab has gone through some serious play testing, and it's clear that setting up all the games with all the controls is going to take some time.
The trackballs had to have the y wires reversed, as it was functioning like a flight stick. Down was up and up was down. Easily fixed by reversing the outside wires that plug into the Mini-PAC.
It's alive! A beautiful sight indeed.
Here's Lyle playing some track and field.
Here's Darcy playing some track and field.
The camera doesn't do justice showing off the greylite #14 glass. It's dark. Very very dark.
Had to load up joust, because it's a classic.
Here is the glass outside of the cabinet.
Spent 2 days applying bondo, priming, sanding and painting the control panel box. It looks significantly better if you check out some of the older pictures.
Nice curves to it now.
The admin panel, waiting for the paint to try so I can install it.
The diamondplate came in, after I ended up going to the FedEx depot to pick it up. FedEx claimed they attempted delivery, yet no truck appeared in my parking lot and no one rang the door bell.
Tomorrow I'll take pictures of the work I've done mounting the computer onto the wood panel. I'll also take pictures of the admin panel mounted, with the cool illuminated Bulgin Vandal power switch.
Also, the cab has a name;
Saturday, February 23, 2008
I just blew up a hotel. How the hell do you think I am?
Posted by Unknown at 9:22 PM
0 comments Labels: admin panel, diamondplate, greylite #14, play test, Trackball y cable switch
Monday, February 18, 2008
My CPU is a neural net processor, a learning computer. The more contact I have with humans, the more I learn.
I'm tired.
My goal was to take the cabinet apart to do some work on it (it's fully functional, Canuckles played a few games).
My initial plan got screwed up when my buddy J came over and I was unscrewing the lag bolts and realized I had cross threaded one of the lag bolts the entire way up. Needless to say it took the two of us to get it apart, and the bolt was about 200 degrees by the time I was done.
Took some bondo, patched up some of the parts I didn't like. 80 grit sandpaper on it and threw on some Tremclad primer.
I'll have to use a 160 or higher sandpaper tomorrow and then put another coat of primer on it before it'll be ready for paint.
We also managed to cut the admin panel, and the piece that will hold the glass in place. On Saturday I cut up the piece that I'm going to mount the motherboard, hard drive and power supply to.
I'll post some pictures in the next few days.
Also, the cab has a title.
Posted by Unknown at 11:39 PM
0 comments Labels: bondo update